Dermatology Services

Caring for your loyal companion’s skin, fur and nails with routine veterinary visits.

Cats and dogs can experience some of the same skin conditions that humans have. We have treated loyal companions for yeast infections, dermatitis, alopecia, acne, allergies and much more. Whether your cat or dog has a health issue or seasonal itch, we can treat their issues and establish a routine to prevent their condition from recurring in the future.

How can I tell if my dog or cat has a skin problem?

With regular grooming or inspecting, it should be easy to spot changes in their skin or fur. However, sometimes the signs can be hidden or be so minor that an untrained eye could miss them. Our veterinarians can easily identify skin abnormalities and will perform the necessary tests to diagnose your feline or canine companion. Here are some signs that your cat or dog may have a skin problem:

  1. Bald patches 
  2. Bumps and lumps
  3. Dull coat or thinning hair
  4. Ear problems and head shaking
  5. Flakes
  6. Foul odours
  7. Redness of the skin
  8. Rolling and scooting
  9. Sores

What can cause pets to itch?

Here are some reasons why your cat or dog may be itchy:

  • Food allergy - when your loyal companion is allergic to something they ate you will notice them itching around their ears, belly, armpits and in the rear.
  • Environmental allergy - dust mites, pollen and grass can trigger an allergic reaction in your cat or dog. After being exposed to these elements your loyal companion will excessively lick their paw, shake their head or rub their face.
  • Parasites - one of the leading causes of itching in cats and dogs. External parasites such as fleas, ticks and mites are very active during warm weather. If your cat or dog frequents grassy or forested areas, they can catch these parasites and start to itch.
  • Hormonal problems - Cats may have hyperthyroidism (when their body makes too much thyroid hormone) and dogs will have hypothyroidism (when the thyroid does not release enough hormone into the bloodstream). These issues can cause weight gain, greasy skin, chronic issues such as yeast infections.

Is it safe to treat skin conditions at home?

As much as you want to provide your cherished companion with some immediate relief, you should always consult with a veterinarian first. When you treat skin issues at home, there's a chance that you could mask the symptoms only for a while until they return even more severe. A licensed veterinarian will first rule out health factors and provide an effective treatment plan for your canine or feline companion.

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